Don’t Wait For Baldness To Occur In Order To Gain Control of Hair Loss


baldingOften the loss of hair can be controlled, or even stopped in its tracks and reversed, if it is caught early enough. With recent technological advances in hair care, especially in the area of male pattern baldness, the ability to slow down the rate of hair loss, stop it, and even re-grow hair is a medical fact. Feeling that your only options are hair pieces, spray products or surgery are a thing of the past. Hormonal and medicated creams and lotions, as well as ingested medication are now available on the market that can bring back a healthy head of hair with early detection.

There are many reasons for hair loss and several variables in a person’s life that could be a contributor. Hereditary considerations, environmental factors such as workplace chemical exposure, or even personal medications could be affecting your hairline, producing showing areas of scalp where hair used to be. Catching hair loss before it completely takes hold can often alarm you to needed changes in lifestyle that could be taken, such as protective equipment, medication changes, or even more serious hormonal issues that with the help of medical attention could be corrected, and thus eliminating your hair loss problem.

If the reason for your hair loss is not environmental, but in fact hormonal, or otherwise medical, often a combination of an oral medication, paired with a topical solution for the scalp has shown to produce the best results when trying to halt, or re-grow hair. Changes in diet and otherwise indulging in a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and stress reduction have also been shown to have influence on treatment progress and successful hair re-growth.

Seeking the advice of your doctor early can also have the added benefit of not ever having to make up for lost ground. If you are able to catch the problem and have it arrested or even reversed as early as possible, then the frustration of having to regain hair that has already fallen out can be lessened, and the chances of saving more hair from being lost to begin with can be increased. To be proactive now, getting into a medication and application routine as soon as possible, could save you from the incredible trouble and high expense of having to take more drastic measures in the future